Saturday, November 29, 2008

Crowded pumpkin

I'm so full of pumpkin pie from the last few days of dinners and leftovers, but I am quite content. I'm happy to be home, sitting at my desk, and not standing in a very long line at a department store. I did that Friday (which is still now, for me because I haven't been to bed), beginning at 5:15 a.m. I wasn't one of those determine folk that camped outside the stores, wanting to be first inside for a chance at the tv's, computers, and gaming devices.

I did feel really crowded, confined, immobile, at some points in time. Some of those shoppers were really honing in on what they wanted, and there was no stopping them from pushing through. I was really sad to read the article in the news about the Walmart worker who was trampled by anxious shoppers. That really sucks. There is no excuse for that behavior. It's just horrible. I feel sorry for that man's family. It makes me wonder about those people who just ran over him. I wonder if they realized what they were doing.

I just wanted some average gifts, like pajama's for my nieces, a few board games, and an *insert electronic device here* for my son. Though he has special needs, he is very bright and completely capable of figuring out just about any electronic device. He is also very capable of reading my blog, and does so, which is why I'm being super secretive about the electronic device in question. There were other items purchased which also shall go nameless.

Oh, and I also braved the walmart crowds in order to gain access to all of those $2 and $6 movies. I came home with 11 movies. Hah! Insane. I only spent $26 on them, so I feel pretty pleased with myself on that. Ten were $2 and the last one was $6. I was really tickled to get "I am Legend" for $6 because I'm a Will Smith fan, and I really like that particular film. I also got M.I.B., several Sandra Bullock films, a Johnny Depp, a Spiderman, Rocky, Angelina Jolie film, Sean Penn film, and several others. I was actually surprised to find movies that I like, because I thought they'd all be really awful films for that price. I'm giving about 1/2 of them away and keeping the rest for my family. Those Will Smith films are staying with me! I would part with it though if somebody had asked for one, because I would feel bad keeping it to myself then.

These are the pajama's I bought for one of my nieces:

I thought they were cute. There were actually quite a few Tinker Bell items. I found a tinkerbell hat, gloves, and scarf. She's just crazy about tinkerbell.

Oy. I'm tired. It just hit me. Bedtime.

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