Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Post

This is my first post on this blog.

Introduction in brief:

Mom to special needs young man.

Butcher,baker, candlestickmaker... sort of. Minus the butcher part. I love to bake, and I do love candles, but I've never made any. Baking is a huge hobby, and it's one of the peace-giving gifts I have been given. I collect recipes, cookbooks, baking books, cooking magazines. I'm running out of storage room for them, but I can't stop because I love it. I'm also a crocheter, but still in the beginning phase of that. I learned needlepoint from a grandma, and I still enjoy that a lot as well. Gardening... specifically tomatoes, all kinds. I love tomatoes, especially fresh from the garden, warm from the sunshine, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. IS there ANYTHING as delicious as a fresh from the garden tomato? I don't think so.

I have sisters, and a brother who I love very much, but who I also have disagreements with from time to time. In otherwords, we're normal. I have never been able to relate to the cookie cutter families who never disagree. How is that possible, unless there is some form of emotionally stunted growth in the mix. For me, I prefer to talk, to reason things out, and to take a break when things get heated. Then we get back together and let it go. I don't believe in holding on to the past, except in instances where it has blessed me, or gives me great spiritual pause (both good and bad sometimes) to think on it.

I love my parents. I talk to them every single day. I'm one of those rare entities who believes in gleening as much from my parents as possible while they are still with me. I don't actually believe that's as rare as it seems, but the media would have us believe that it is.

I believe in healthy boundaries both for myself and for others when they are interracting with me. I like to make new friends, and I'm ok with sharing personal experiences, as well as listening to others share theirs, but I like to choose who I let into my inner realm. I think that's the way it should be for all of us.

I love the idea of freedom, and I am thankful for the freedoms in my country, provided by God and by the men and women who fought for them, and continue to fight for them. However, I believe that I am living in a time where our freedoms are being slowly, and quietly, buried beneath false promises of "good change". I'm not talking about the recently elected president, specifically, but about all of the people in power, both nationally and globally. There's something going on, and it's not good. I'm not closing my eyes to it, and I'm not going to pretend that it's less serious then it seems to be.

I have a lot of thoughts, and sometimes I'll post 10 times a day. I have a lot of interests, and sometimes I'll share them, without commenting more than a little. Other times I may go a day or two without posting. I can't predict, but I do think this will be fun.

I believe that God supplies all my needs, and I am indeed blessed to have all of my needs met. There are things I wish for, including total healing for my son, but I also can see how his special needs are a huge blessing in my life, because I wouldn't be who I am, where I am, or thinking as I do, if it were not for these circumstances. I believe in noticing the blessings amid the difficulties, and so I often point them out to those who are suffering, not to be annoying, but to be uplifting. I need to be lifted up sometimes, and so I try to do the same for others.

I think that's all I have for now, but.... I bet there's more on the way.

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